The British Biology Olympiad is aimed at students in their final year of pre-further or pre-higher education.
Whilst most students are 17-18, younger students often take part. Younger students are likely to perform better in the Intermediate Biology Olympiad (aimed at 16-17 year-old students) or Biology Challenge (aimed at 13-15 year-old students) which take place after the British Biology Olympiad.
Students from all types of schools and from anywhere in the world can take part.
The examination assumes knowledge of the common elements of the biology A level syllabi.
The award boundaries are set using only students from UK schools, and are then awarded to all participating students.
International Biology Olympiad eligibility
To be eligible to represent the UK at the IBO, students:
- Must have studied in the UK for at least the past two years
- Must not have previously participated in UK Team Selection
- Must not have previously attended an International Biology Olympiad